Positive affirmations

35 Empowering Affirmations for Self-Acceptance

Ready to embrace positivity? These inspiring affirmations for self-acceptance have been carefully selected to boost your self-love and acceptance.

June 3, 2024
4 min

Love Yourself More: Affirmations for Self-Acceptance

Practicing self-love and self-acceptance can be the kindest, most loving thing you'll ever do for yourself.

Add these affirmations for self-acceptance to your daily routine, and let them help you shift your mindset towards positivity and confidence. Watch yourself blossom with these empowering reminders of your worth and the beauty of being your true self.

35 beautiful affirmations for self-acceptance:

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1. “I am worthy of great things in my life.”

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2. “I love the person I see when I look in the mirror.”

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3. “I align my body, mind, and spirit because this is my time to shine.”

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4. “Every day is another opportunity to be more confident in myself.”

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5. “I am all that I need and I am enough.”

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6. “I belong in any space I walk into.”

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7. “I am fine with who I am, and I love who I am becoming.”

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8. “My input and opinions matter.”

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9. “I have faith in myself.”

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10. “I am worthy of effort and devotion.”

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11. “I am good at what I do.”

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12. “I am not defined by what I do or do not accomplish.”

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13. “I understand the importance of loving myself first.”

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14. “The only approval I need is my own.”

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15. “I am uniquely gifted.”

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16. “I am happy with who I am as a person.”

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17. “I honor my existence.”

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18. “Today I am shining.”

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19. “I am falling in love with taking care of myself.”

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20. “I live my life authentically.”

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21. “I love myself and release myself from feelings of guilt, hurt, and sorrow.”

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22. “In this very moment, I am enough.”

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23. “I reward myself often simply for being me.”

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24. “I lovingly align with who I am.”

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25. “I no longer let people's opinion of me affect me.”

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26. “I am living life on my terms.”

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27. “I feel free to express my emotions. ”

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28. “I make the world a better place.”

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29. “I am exactly who I need to be.”

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30. “I'm not perfect, and that's ok.”

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31. “I validate my experiences as a vital part of my life.”

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32. “I am doing the best I can, and that's a beautiful thing.”

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33. “I deserve the same respect I give to others.”

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34. “I accept who I am.”

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35. “I deserve all the good that comes to me.”

Start your journey to self-love and empowerment today with powerful affirmations for self-acceptance from the I am app. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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