Positive affirmations

40+ Affirmations to Practice Faith

Empower yourself with affirmations to strengthen your faith in God and trust in divine guidance. Practice faith daily with these powerful statements.

February 21, 2024
4 min

Practice Faith with These Uplifting Affirmations

Welcome to a collection of affirmations designed to help you practice faith and strengthen your connection to God. By repeating these powerful statements daily, you can cultivate a deep sense of trust in divine guidance and feel empowered in your spiritual journey. Embrace the practice of faith with affirmations to uplift your soul and align your path with positivity and hope.

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1. “I am powerful enough to rise to the top.”

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2. “I am thankful for the abundance God blesses me with.”

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3. “I am grateful to God for conceding so many of my wishes.”

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4. “I am excited to receive the wonderful things that God has in store for me.”

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5. “I trust and believe that everything is always working out for my highest good.”

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6. “I turn to God for solace and refuge.”

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7. “I show grace and mercy.”

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8. “I trust that I am living the life God intended for me.”

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9. “I am deeply grateful for all that I am blessed with.”

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10. “I have a future filled with hope.”

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11. “I speak directly to God and listen to his answers.”

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12. “I honor the goodness and power of God.”

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13. “I wake up each morning with renewed faith in God.”

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14. “I am thankful to God for the many miracles he has manifested in my life.”

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15. “I completely trust and have faith in my intuition to know what is best for me now.”

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16. “I do everything with an attitude of excellence.”

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17. “Gods wisdom is ever-present.”

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18. “I am immensely loved by God.”

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19. “I base my identity on who I am, not how I look.”

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20. “I place utter faith in the power of manifestation.”

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21. “I see the miracles that God creates in my life.”

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22. “I embrace Biblical truths to guide my decisions.”

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23. “I know that the wonderful people in my life are gifts from God.”

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24. “I am a divine expression of a loving God.”

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25. “I have faith that everything always works out for the best.”

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26. “I am certain that God is bringing the right people to my life.”

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27. “I pray for peace.”

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28. “Faith is the cornerstone of my existence.”

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29. “I turn my worries into prayers so God can turn my questions into answers.”

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30. “I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.”

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31. “I am faith-filled and God-centric.”

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32. “I view my life through a lens of optimism and hope.”

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33. “I accept God's blessings with gratitude and humility.”

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34. “I have faith in my growing skills and knowledge.”

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35. “I grow along with my good actions.”

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36. “I am confident that God is helping me achieve my dreams.”

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37. “I am free from sin.”

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38. “I am grateful for the peace God brings to my heart.”

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39. “I am moving in the right direction.”

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40. “My strength lies in my divine connection to the creator.”

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41. “My body is a temple of the holy spirit.”

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42. “I believe wholeheartedly in the unbridled power of prayer.”

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43. “I trust that I am always lovingly guided and protected.”

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44. “I am so thankful for the joy that I feel within me, and the awesome peace and faith I have as my companions.”

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45. “I am willing to be led by God.”

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46. “I am grateful for the prayers that I see being answered.”

Ready to start your journey of practicing faith and receiving divine guidance? Embrace the power of affirmations in your daily life with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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