Positive affirmations

50+ Affirmations to Conquer Addiction

Explore motivational affirmations to aid your path in overcoming addiction and fostering positive transformations in your life.

March 18, 2024
4 min

Powerful Affirmations to Conquer Addiction

Embrace a journey of self-discovery and healing with these powerful affirmations tailored to support individuals on the path to conquering addiction. By reinforcing positive beliefs through daily affirmations, you can empower yourself to overcome challenges and transform into the best version of yourself.

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1. “I replace destructive habits with habits that uplift and empower me.”

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2. “I am surrounded by people who want the best for me.”

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3. “I am becoming the person I always wanted to be.”

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4. “I am a better person today than I was yesterday.”

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5. “I am moving towards the healing path.”

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6. “I correct my course whenever I feel myself relapsing into old habits.”

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7. “I ask for help when I need it and trust that I will receive it.”

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8. “I take responsibility for my life.”

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9. “I am proud of myself.”

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10. “I know that results take time.”

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11. “I am totally in charge of my life.”

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12. “I am able to stay in control.”

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13. “I am capable of overcoming anything; giving up on myself is not an option.”

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14. “I have the power to change my story.”

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15. “I enjoy the health benefits that I receive from being free of addictions.”

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16. “I make positive choices for myself.”

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17. “I've decided that I am worth it.”

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18. “I support myself fully.”

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19. “I take things one day at a time.”

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20. “My addiction is strong, but I am stronger.”

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21. “I am resilient.”

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22. “I am strong enough to heal myself.”

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23. “I am willing to change for the better.”

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24. “I am excited about how much my life is changing.”

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25. “I alter my mindset during times of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.”

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26. “I am becoming more and more sober with each passing day”

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27. “Gratitude is the cure for life's difficulties.”

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28. “I work on building a healthy relationship with my body.”

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29. “I forgive myself for all I have done.”

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30. “One day my story will become someone else's survival guide.”

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31. “I can resist any cravings I have.”

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32. “I am worthy of manifesting my biggest dreams.”

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33. “I am in awe of what my body is capable of.”

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34. “I am manifesting my healing and transformation.”

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35. “I am on the right path to recovery.”

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36. “I choose self-love over harmful habits.”

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37. “My good health is my focus.”

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38. “My good health is irreplaceable.”

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39. “I am becoming an addiction-free individual.”

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40. “Life fills me with joy and pleasure.”

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41. “No substances have any control over me.”

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42. “I am stronger than the power of any illicit drug.”

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43. “I am kind and loving to myself.”

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44. “I recognize the efforts that I make each day and am thankful for my progress.”

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45. “I love changing, it brings me opportunity.”

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46. “Good things are happening in my life.”

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47. “I am thankful for the clouds that showed me how to find silver linings.”

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48. “I got this.”

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49. “I am more than good enough.”

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50. “I am recovering.”

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51. “I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.”

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52. “I keep going, I don't give up. ”

Ready to start your journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations and reminders to support your transformation. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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