Empower Yourself with Affirmations to Fight Depression
In times of struggle, affirmations can be a powerful tool to combat negative thoughts and emotions. By repeating positive statements like 'I am capable of overcoming anything' and 'I am fierce, fearless, and strong,' you can shift your mindset towards resilience and self-compassion. Explore these affirmations to fight depression and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

1. “I am a wonderful person who deserves a wonderful life.”

2. “I am confident that these feelings are only temporary.”

3. “I allow myself to rest until I am ready to continue.”

4. “I allow my happy thoughts to create an even happier life.”

5. “I take time to overcome whatever causes my depression.”

6. “I am taking care of myself.”

7. “I release negative thoughts to make room for positive ones.”

8. “I love myself even when I feel unlovable.”

9. “I get help and support when I need it.”

10. “I am capable of overcoming anything; giving up on myself is not an option.”

11. “I take a break from trying to make everyone happy and focus on making myself happy.”

12. “I am moving on from all that doesn't serve me.”

13. “I am fighting for my health and happiness.”

14. “I refuse to ignore my emotional needs.”

15. “I am able to stay calm through the hard times.”

16. “I am not backing down, no matter how hard it is.”

17. “I accept myself exactly as I am. I am free of comparisons to others.”

18. “I do not need to be perfect to be happy.”

19. “I am allowed to ask for help throughout my journey.”

20. “I am getting through this and coming out stronger.”

21. “Every day is another opportunity to grow and improve.”

22. “I center my thoughts and come back into balance.”

23. “I am healed. I am content. I am at peace.”

24. “I am fierce, fearless, and strong.”

25. “Today I have the power to do anything I set my mind to.”

26. “I embrace thoughts and behaviors that encourage my healing and well-being.”

27. “I am surrounded by love and support.”

28. “I am kind to myself whenever I decide to start over.”

29. “I show myself kindness and forgiveness.”

30. “I am grateful for my strength on difficult days and my peace on easy days.”

31. “I´ll find a way to overcome the adversity I am facing.”

32. “The more I focus my mind upon the good, the more good comes to my life.”

33. “I am discovering the power of my own mind by fighting my depression.”

34. “It is okay to feel fragile, sensitive and sad.”

35. “I accept the love and support of my loved ones.”

36. “I do my very best, and that's great.”

37. “I deserve to love myself.”

38. “I am no longer afraid to start over.”

39. “I am ready to release all the anxiety and stress right now.”

40. “I am only now discovering how strong I am.”

41. “I am slowly learning to love myself.”

42. “I give thanks to the Universe for helping me overcome my darkest days.”

43. “I create my own happy ending.”

44. “I forgive myself for all the past mistakes.”

45. “I am more than my emotions.”

46. “I trust that my healing journey will soothe my heart.”

47. “I get through even the toughest of days with my positivity intact.”

48. “I firmly believe that I can overcome my depression.”

49. “I let go of anything that does not add to my happiness.”
Start your journey towards healing and well-being with the I am App, where you can set daily reminders for empowering affirmations to fight depression. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/