Positive affirmations

50+ Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams

Explore impactful affirmations to realize your aspirations with the Law of Attraction.

March 1, 2024
3 min

Harnessing the Law of Attraction: Empowering Affirmations for Manifestation

Welcome to a world where your thoughts shape your reality. By practicing affirmations aligned with the Law of Attraction, you can attract abundance and success effortlessly. Explore a collection of uplifting affirmations to manifest your deepest desires and create the life you truly want.

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1. “I see the goodness in the people I love.”

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2. “I create my ideal life with each new thought, belief, and action.”

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3. “I make my world according to my thoughts and beliefs.”

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4. “My current happiness creates even more happiness in the future.”

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5. “I have access to everything I need to make my dreams come true.”

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6. “I am destined for success and greatness.”

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7. “Abundance surrounds me everywhere I go.”

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8. “I naturally attract abundance and good fortune.”

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9. “I visualize what I want from life as part of my plan for achieving it.”

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10. “I am attracting positive and abundant people into my life.”

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11. “I attract my intentions with powerfully positive vibrations.”

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12. “My dreams naturally manifest into reality every day.”

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13. “I practice thankfulness and gratitude for all I have already manifested.”

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14. “The law of attraction is constantly working in my favor.”

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15. “I am a powerful magnet for money and prosperity.”

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16. “I am a powerful and resourceful attractor.”

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17. “Every day I attract people who help me achieve my goals.”

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18. “I allow myself to receive everything I desire.”

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19. “Blessings come into my life every single day.”

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20. “All my thoughts today are manifesting the life I truly desire.”

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21. “I think positively and always get positive results.”

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22. “I create my own universe as I go along.”

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23. “Every day I turn my dreams into reality.”

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24. “I deserve prosperity, love, and abundance in my life.”

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25. “I am capable of doing absolutely everything I dream of.”

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26. “I receive abundance of love from an infinite source.”

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27. “I watch as my reality aligns with my vibrations.”

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28. “I am the key to my future.”

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29. “I place utter faith in the power of manifestation.”

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30. “I am attracting what belongs to me.”

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31. “I am cared for by the Universe in many different ways, big and small.”

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32. “I align my vibrations with the rhythm and flow of the Universe.”

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33. “I am the blessed recipient of infinite abundance.”

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34. “I appreciate what I have now and am excited for what comes next.”

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35. “I am perfectly aligned with the vibrations of my desires.”

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36. “I watch as what I desire makes its way into my life.”

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37. “I am confident because I believe in my power to attract and manifest.”

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38. “I deserve the abundance of the Universe.”

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39. “The Universe sends me everything I desire.”

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40. “I can feel my heart calling to my soulmate's heart.”

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41. “I accept all the positive circumstances that are entering my life.”

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42. “I draw abundance from all corners of the Universe.”

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43. “I succeed at everything I set my mind to.”

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44. “I visualize my ideal life and I watch it manifest.”

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45. “I keep pursuing my dreams until they manifest into my reality.”

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46. “I live my life according to the laws of the universe.”

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47. “I release any resistance and open myself to the flow of abundance.”

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48. “I firmly believe in my ability to attract success.”

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49. “I am the master of my own destiny.”

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50. “My life is filled with great abundance in every area.”

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51. “I am loved and valued by the people I love and value.”

Ready to start manifesting your dreams? Embrace the power of affirmations with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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