Positive affirmations

50+ Affirmations to Start Your Day

Discover powerful affirmations to Start your day. Choose from a variety of uplifting affirmations to set the tone for a successful day.

March 1, 2024
4 min

Empower Your Mornings with Affirmations to Start Your Day

Start your day on a positive note with empowering affirmations that set the tone for a successful day ahead. By incorporating these uplifting statements into your morning routine, you can cultivate a mindset of gratitude, confidence, and motivation. Choose from a wide range of affirmations designed to boost your spirits and kickstart your day with positivity.

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1. “I am grateful for the little pleasures that brighten my day. ”

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2. “I am thankful that I know how to turn a bad day into a good one.”

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3. “I am happy and free because I am me.”

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4. “I am certain that today is wonderful.”

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5. “I am feeling more at peace today than I was yesterday.”

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6. “I share my good energy with everyone I encounter today.”

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7. “I choose to have a joyful and peaceful day.”

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8. “I let my happiness transform my day.”

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9. “I wake up today with strength in my heart.”

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10. “I am a magnet that attracts endless abundance.”

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11. “I always help others.”

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12. “Today I embrace life in all its sadness and joy.”

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13. “Today, I honor my body.”

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14. “Today, I am happy, confident and successful.”

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15. “When I wake up each morning, I am thankful for another day of life on this earth, even if it's not always easy or convenient at times.”

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16. “I am grateful for waking up to another beautiful morning. ”

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17. “Every morning, I acknowledge the unlimited supply of blessings I can tap into.”

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18. “I shine a positive light everywhere I go today.”

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19. “I am trusting the journey.”

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20. “I have done it before and I am doing it again.”

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21. “I am excited to see what I will learn today.”

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22. “I make the most out of every opportunity that comes my way today.”

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23. “I feel healthy and strong today.”

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24. “Today is a new start.”

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25. “I get out of bed each morning ready to conquer a new day.”

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26. “I am limited by nothing and have unlimited potential.”

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27. “I wake up each morning feeling energized.”

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28. “I am patient and calm and looking forward to today.”

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29. “My body is perfect for who I am today and supports me in my life's journey.”

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30. “I have the power to choose serenity instead of stress today.”

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31. “I have everything I need to face any obstacles that come.”

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32. “I am thankful for every new day.”

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33. “I awaken grateful for today and I choose happiness.”

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34. “I let go of any stress from today.”

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35. “I create an abundant future with my thoughts and actions.”

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36. “I choose to find magic and beauty in the world around me today.”

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37. “Every day I take action to achieve my goals.”

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38. “I am grateful to be awake and alive this new day.”

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39. “I am worthy.”

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40. “I wake up each morning with fresh, vibrant energy to face the day.”

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41. “Today is a good day to be happy.”

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42. “Today I commit to living my financial dreams.”

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43. “I am accomplishing all of my dreams.”

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44. “I make wise choices in the morning that help guide my day.”

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45. “I share my positivity with everyone who needs it today.”

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46. “I am proud of how hard I am trying.”

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47. “My actions are intentional and they bring me closer to my goals.”

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48. “I have the power to choose a positive mood each morning.”

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49. “I wake up each morning and choose to have a positive body image.”

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50. “I start each day with a positive, joyful mindset.”

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51. “I know that self-care is a meaningful part of my daily routine.”

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52. “My thoughts are filled with positivity.”

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53. “I love my life.”

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54. “I trust that whatever happens today is within divine timing.”

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55. “Every day is a new day full of happiness.”

Ready to transform your mornings with empowering affirmations? Download the I am App today and start your day with positivity and motivation. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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