Positive affirmations

50+ Affirmations to 'Think Positive'

Discover a collection of inspiring affirmations about 'Think Positive' to uplift your spirits and boost your mindset towards positivity and optimism.

February 18, 2024
4 min

Embrace the Power of Positive Thinking with These Affirmations about 'Think Positive'

In a world filled with challenges, cultivating a positive mindset is crucial for our well-being. The topic of 'Think Positive' resonates deeply with our innate desire for hope and resilience. These uplifting affirmations serve as reminders to focus on the bright side and embrace optimism in every situation.

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1. “I am sure to have made the right decision.”

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2. “I am still learning, and it's okay to make mistakes.”

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3. “A panic attack can't stop me from living the life of my dreams.”

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4. “My heart and mind are happy with my life.”

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5. “I am able to adapt and overcome.”

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6. “I choose to let go and trust.”

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7. “I am empowered to make the best health decisions for myself.”

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8. “I am creating the life of my dreams.”

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9. “I know there is a happy future ahead of me.”

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10. “I make the best out of each situation and experience.”

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11. “I allow myself to feel joy and happiness every day.”

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12. “My worth is undeniable.”

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13. “I have the tendency to bring out the best in others.”

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14. “I am excited for the future that awaits me.”

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15. “I choose joy and focus on the positives.”

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16. “I find my happiness in the little things just as easily as I do in the big things.”

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17. “Seeing myself evolve makes me happy.”

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18. “I am where I need to be now, and will be where I need to be in the future.”

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19. “I keep a smile on my face and positivity in my soul, even on challenging days.”

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20. “I am a strong person filled with faith, hope, confidence, and enthusiasm.”

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21. “Today I choose to think positive.”

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22. “I focus on the best parts of my life.”

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23. “I am always able to tap into my happiness.”

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24. “I nourish myself with compassion and positive self-talk.”

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25. “Being patient is the best way to handle the people I love.”

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26. “I live my truth.”

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27. “I guard my positive thoughts fiercely.”

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28. “I am thankful that I have the will to persevere.”

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29. “There is something in this world that only I can do and that makes me special.”

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30. “I am defined by my actions, not my circumstances.”

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31. “I know that my best friends will never let me down.”

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32. “I give myself the sacred space I need to learn and grow.”

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33. “I am worthy of living a life filled with adventure and laughter.”

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34. “I try to stay positive and feel good about myself.”

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35. “I am living my most authentic life.”

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36. “I choose how to approach and respond to what happened to me.”

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37. “I see myself with loving eyes, and I love everything I see.”

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38. “I am great at all I do.”

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39. “I am a beacon of hope.”

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40. “I have a growth mindset.”

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41. “I take time to relax and sink into positivity.”

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42. “I am proud of myself and what I have accomplished.”

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43. “I steer my life in the direction of my wildest dreams.”

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44. “I am thankful that I get to choose the life I want to live. ”

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45. “I never run out reasons to be thankful.”

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46. “I am attracting endless new opportunities.”

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47. “I am doing the best I can.”

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48. “I am healing, growing, and glowing.”

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49. “I harness the power of positive thinking to reach my goals.”

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50. “I choose to be happy right now.”

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51. “I am worthy of great things in life.”

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52. “I put effort into everything I do.”

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53. “There is a gift for me in everything that I experience.”

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54. “I am a magnet for magic and miracles.”

Ready to infuse your day with positivity and inspiration? Download the I am App and start receiving daily reminders with powerful affirmations about 'Think Positive' to uplift your spirits and fuel your journey towards a brighter tomorrow. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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