Find Inner Peace with Affirmations to Find Calm
In today's fast-paced world, finding calm and inner peace is essential for our well-being. By incorporating affirmations to find calm into your daily routine, you can cultivate a sense of tranquility and balance. These affirmations will help you let go of stress and anxiety, allowing you to radiate positivity and serenity in all aspects of your life.

1. “I am always able to find peace within myself.”

2. “I am balanced and calm.”

3. “I radiate my tranquility to those around me.”

4. “I surround myself with people and places that nurture my peace.”

5. “I control my emotions and reactions.”

6. “I surrender to the flow of life and let go of stress and anxiety.”

7. “I breathe peace, I feel peace, and I live in peace.”

8. “All worries and anxieties are leaving my mind, making space for calmness and peace.”

9. “Peace comes when I let go of trying to control every tiny detail.”

10. “I feel completely at peace within myself, right at this moment.”

11. “I am healing deeply by letting calm energy into my life.”

12. “I choose to have a joyful and peaceful day.”

13. “I am calm. I am cool. I am confident.”

14. “I am thankful to the Universe for the lessons it teaches me.”

15. “I am worthy of respect.”

16. “I am determined to rise above situations that cause me stress.”

17. “I let go of any attempts to foresee or control the future.”

18. “I reject and release feelings of anger.”

19. “I appreciate my life.”

20. “I sit in stillness and release worries.”

21. “This too shall pass.”

22. “I am connected to the Universe in infinite ways.”

23. “I am kind.”

24. “I release the need to control my life and give in to Universal direction, instead.”

25. “I avoid overthinking for the sake of remaining calm.”

26. “I enjoy moments of quiet reflection and thankfulness.”

27. “I know which situations trigger feelings of anger and I avoid them.”

28. “I attract peace and positive energies into my life.”

29. “I feel greater peace through acts of self-care.”

30. “The life of my dreams is created by my choice to live a happy life.”

31. “I allow peaceful and healing white light to flow through my body now.”

32. “I deal with stressful situations with ease and confidence.”

33. “I choose to feel calm and peaceful.”

34. “I recognize and avoid my anxiety triggers.”

35. “I allow my mind to relax and enjoy my well-being.”

36. “I find strength and balance within myself when I temporarily panic.”

37. “I am willing to see things differently.”

38. “I tap into the Universe's infinite well of calm.”

39. “I relax by connecting to the present moment.”

40. “I remain calm and trust that the Universe wants what's best for me.”

41. “I am secure in the choices I make.”

42. “Every breath I take is making me more relaxed.”

43. “I feel, with every breath I take, a sense of love and peace.”

44. “I am in control of my breathing.”

45. “My life is filled with love and happiness.”

46. “I know that everything is always okay in the long run.”

47. “I base my reactions on calm and empathy.”

48. “I am looking forward towards a bright future.”

49. “I replace worry with the calm certainty everything always works out.”

50. “I replace any worries with hope and anxiety with positivity.”

51. “I find peace and refuse to get swept away by negative thoughts.”

52. “I am relaxing my body.”

53. “I release the need to control this situation.”

54. “My self-talk is always calm and reassuring.”

55. “My breathing is anchored from within my core and this breathing is relaxing to my body and mind.”
Start your journey to inner peace and tranquility by downloading the I am App today. You can download it here: Embrace positivity and find calm with daily affirmations tailored to uplift your spirit.