Positive affirmations

Affirmations to Heal from Heartbreak

Discover encouraging affirmations to heal from heartbreak. Let these affirmations inspire you on your journey to emotional recovery.

February 19, 2024
4 min

Empowering Affirmations for Heal from Heartbreak

Healing from heartbreak is a challenging journey, but one filled with growth and self-discovery. The following affirmations about healing from heartbreak will uplift and motivate you as you navigate through this difficult time. Allow these inspiring words to guide you towards a brighter, healed heart.

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1. “I trust that my heart will learn and grow from this experience.”

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2. “I am overcoming this situation.”

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3. “I am grateful for having loved and for the lessons I have learned.”

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4. “I allow myself to feel it to heal it.”

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5. “I know that letting go of toxic people makes me stronger.”

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6. “I love myself too much to question my worth.”

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7. “I am a magnet for healing, soothing, and comforting vibes.”

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8. “I am just now realizing how mentally and emotionally strong I truly am.”

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9. “I am open to letting go of what no longer serves me.”

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10. “I trust in my heart's ability to heal itself.”

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11. “I release attachments to anyone who has hurt me.”

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12. “I thank the Universe for giving me the strength I need to overcome obstacles.”

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13. “My next relationship will last for the rest of my lifetime.”

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14. “Making mistakes is a part of learning.”

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15. “I deserve to be with a partner who expresses their love in multiple ways.”

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16. “I am worthy of a partner who shows me they love me.”

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17. “I surrender to the natural flow of healing.”

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18. “I accept that some days are more challenging than others.”

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19. “I take control of my future be refusing to let the past affect me.”

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20. “I have faith that my life is filled with love, kindness, and positivity.”

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21. “My heart is healing.”

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22. “I am enough for the right person, just as I am.”

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23. “I know there is an amazing soul out there waiting for me.”

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24. “I move slowly through my healing journey.”

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25. “I am capable of healing from toxic relationships.”

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26. “I am safe.”

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27. “I choose happiness, health, and harmony.”

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28. “I focus on thoughts and behaviors that help my heart heal.”

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29. “I am proud of myself for being the bigger person.”

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30. “I am worth it.”

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31. “I am getting through this.”

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32. “I give myself what it needs to heal itself.”

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33. “I accept that my heart feels empty and refill it with love.”

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34. “I love and approve of myself.”

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35. “I love myself deeply, and even more deeply when I am hurting.”

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36. “My problems are coming to an end.”

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37. “I turn to others for support when I feel overwhelmed.”

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38. “I am worthy of a love that is genuine and everlasting.”

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39. “I am patient with my painful emotions.”

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40. “I am gentle with myself as my heart recovers.”

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41. “I am taking control of my own mind.”

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42. “I am healing slowly but surely.”

For more inspiring affirmations and daily reminders of self-love and healing, download the I am App today. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/. Stay strong and remember, you are worthy of love and healing from heartbreak.

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