Positive affirmations

Affirmations to Manifest Fertility

Discover powerful affirmations to manifest fertility and embrace the journey to parenthood with love and faith.

February 21, 2024
4 min

Affirmations to Manifest Fertility: Embracing Parenthood with Love

Welcome to a collection of uplifting affirmations designed to help you manifest fertility and prepare for the beautiful journey of parenthood. By repeating these affirmations daily, you can strengthen your belief in the natural process of conception and nurture a positive mindset. Trust in the power of these affirmations to guide you towards welcoming new life with love and faith.

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1. “I am focusing on creating a new life.”

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2. “It is my turn to welcome a baby into the world.”

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3. “All of my cells work together to create a healthy baby.”

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4. “I am ready to welcome a baby into my healthy, happy family.”

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5. “I trust in my body's natural ability to create and nurture new life.”

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6. “I have the time, resources, and positive mind to bring about perfect conditions for a healthy pregnancy.”

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7. “I love my growing family.”

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8. “I am ready to become a parent.”

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9. “This is a brand new day, and my body is preparing for its biggest mission yet.”

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10. “I choose to be fertile.”

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11. “I see my love, faith, and resilience reflected in my fertility.”

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12. “Together with my partner, we are ready to join forces.”

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13. “I've got this.”

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14. “I am surrounded by love as I prepare my body for the joys of pregnancy.”

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15. “Everything pans out with divine timing.”

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16. “I trust my body.”

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17. “I give my body what it needs to produce a healthy pregnancy.”

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18. “I have a strong, fertile body.”

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19. “I am excited for what's coming next in my life.”

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20. “I am going to be an incredible parent.”

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21. “My womb is strong and fertile.”

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22. “I am grateful for the blessings I already have in my life.”

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23. “I have abundant space around me to welcome my baby.”

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24. “I have faith in the Universe's timing for my baby.”

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25. “I radiate fertility, vitality, and love.”

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26. “I release control and allow the Universe to guide me to the creation of life.”

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27. “I feel powerful as I prepare for my pregnancy.”

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28. “I remain calm, focused, and confident while I wait for my baby.”

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29. “I trust in the Divine wisdom that guides my fertility journey.”

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30. “I feel a beautiful love for my baby.”

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31. “I am open to sharing my feelings of love with my baby.”

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32. “I embrace my journey to fertility with gratitude and patience.”

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33. “I trust my womb to be a sacred space for new life.”

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34. “I am so excited to hold my baby in my arms.”

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35. “I take the time to nourish my body.”

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36. “Every day, I am closer to being blessed with a beautiful soul to bring into this world.”

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37. “I invite the miracle of a new life into my womb with love and faith.”

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38. “I am confident that my body is working hard to create new life.”

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39. “My body is ready and prepared for a new life.”

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40. “I am filled with love for the life I am creating.”

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41. “With every positive thought, I am closer to meeting my baby.”

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42. “I am worthy of the joys of pregnancy and parenthood.”

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43. “I am prepared to nurture a new life.”

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44. “Patience and care help my body prepare for pregnancy.”

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45. “My body is fertile and ready to conceive a child.”

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46. “I am moving one step closer to my baby every day.”

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47. “I trust my body to nourish my future baby.”

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48. “I trust that my struggle to conceive will soon be over.”

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49. “I celebrate every cycle.”

Start your journey to manifest fertility and embrace parenthood with the help of the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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