Positive affirmations

Affirmations to Overcome Chronic Pain

Discover uplifting affirmations to help you cope with and heal from chronic pain. Use the power of positive thinking to transform your experience.

March 20, 2024
4 min

50+ Affirmations to Overcome Chronic Pain

In the journey of life with chronic pain, affirmations play a crucial role in shaping our mindset and fostering healing. By repeating empowering statements like 'I am strong enough to survive anything' and 'I give my body permission to heal itself', we can rewire our brains and cultivate resilience. Embrace these affirmations to nurture a positive outlook and empower yourself on the path to wellness.

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1. “I am closer to being healed with every breath I take.”

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2. “I am completely in control.”

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3. “Every part of my body radiates vitality and energy.”

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4. “I know I control my pain with my mind.”

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5. “I continue enjoying my favorite activities, even when I am in pain.”

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6. “I love the fact that this experience is making me more in tune with my body than I have ever been before.”

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7. “I make decisions to help me be in a state of ease in life.”

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8. “I give my body the space and time to heal. ”

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9. “Tomorrow I will wake up stronger.”

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10. “I am open to the lessons that my pain teaches me.”

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11. “I refuse to allow my pain to define me.”

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12. “I am ready to heal, even if it still hurts.”

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13. “I am a warrior and a survivor.”

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14. “I accept my pain. I am at peace with my pain.”

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15. “I know that I maintain my health by eating the right foods, meditating, and exercising.”

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16. “I embrace the concept of healthy pain.”

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17. “I know I deserve to heal.”

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18. “I am allowed to rest to manage my pain.”

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19. “I am worth the healthy life I desire.”

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20. “I am getting healthier with each day that passes.”

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21. “I am aware that my body is regenerating all the time and I need to do everything in my power to help it.”

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22. “I give thanks for what my disease has taught me.”

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23. “I am grateful for all the experiences I have – whether they're easy or challenging.”

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24. “I release the toxicity of my illness with every breath I exhale.”

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25. “Everywhere I go, I attract positivity into my life.”

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26. “I have the power to be who I want to be.”

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27. “I acknowledge my pain and give it permission to go.”

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28. “I work on my body so I am able to manage my pain.”

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29. “I love my body regardless of how it feels.”

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30. “I appreciate the things my body does even when it feels pain.”

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31. “I know that food is the most fundamental form of medicine, that is why I eat foods that only support my health.”

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32. “Good things happen to me because I am a good person who deserves it.”

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33. “I find it easy to maintain a positive attitude.”

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34. “My thoughts are filled with positivity.”

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35. “I feel loved.”

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36. “Only I am in charge of my life.”

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37. “I find safe ways to release my pain.”

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38. “I give my body permission to heal itself.”

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39. “I know that my pain is here to teach me.”

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40. “I am not my pain.”

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41. “I deserve a pain-free life.”

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42. “I feel the pain flowing out of my body.”

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43. “ I am happy to live another wonderful day.”

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44. “I exercise regularly to help ease my pain.”

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45. “I am handling this.”

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46. “I have faith that my pain will not last.”

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47. “I am surrounded by healing light.”

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48. “I am doing everything possible to restore my good health.”

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49. “I am confident that this pain will pass.”

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50. “I release the frustration I feel because of my pain.”

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51. “I wake up stronger each morning.”

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52. “I trust my body to remain strong.”

Ready to transform your mindset and embrace healing? Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations tailored to your needs and start your journey towards a pain-free life. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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