Positive affirmations

Discover Affirmations to Control Stress and Anxiety

Discover powerful and encouraging affirmations to Control Stress and Anxiety to find inner peace. Let these motivational words inspire you to overcome challenges and prioritize your mental well-being.

February 19, 2024
4 min

Inspiring Affirmations about Control Stress and Anxiety

In our modern, hectic society, mastering the art of managing stress and anxiety is crucial for nurturing our mental health and holistic wellness. Explore this compilation of affirmations crafted to embolden you in facing adversity with grace and tranquility. Embrace these affirmations as steadfast allies, reinforcing your capacity to surmount obstacles and safeguard your inner serenity.

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1. “I am powerful enough to put a positive spin on negative situations.”

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2. “I radiate inner peace and serenity.”

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3. “I fill my heart with the peace of meditation.”

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4. “I am resilient. I can get through anything.”

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5. “I believe in myself more than I fear the judgment of others.”

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6. “I live my best life when I let go of the things that weigh me down.”

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7. “I am safe and protected and so is everyone around me.”

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8. “I handle the emotions that come up today with patience and understanding.”

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9. “I deserve a peaceful life.”

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10. “I acknowledge negative thoughts or emotions then let them go.”

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11. “I am courageous enough to handle whatever happens in my life.”

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12. “I enjoy my feelings of inner calm.”

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13. “I train my mind to find the positives in every situation.”

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14. “I remain calm and unruffled under any circumstances.”

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15. “I feel the energy of peace and love surrounding me.”

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16. “I let go of thoughts that take away my peace.”

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17. “I feel tranquility washing over me.”

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18. “I have the power to decide what controls me and my emotions.”

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19. “I am worthy of all the peace and joy life is offering me.”

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20. “I am equally worthy regardless of what I accomplish today.”

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21. “I implement positive changes to help avoid difficult situations.”

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22. “Where I am is okay.”

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23. “Everything in my life is good.”

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24. “I surround myself with energy that calms my mind.”

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25. “I am free from anxiety and negative thoughts.”

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26. “I let myself rest without judgment. ”

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27. “I am handling my panic and anxiety today.”

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28. “I invite peace and prosperity into my life.”

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29. “I am the only author of my story.”

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30. “I pretend to be brave until I am.”

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31. “I let go of fear, worry and anger.”

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32. “I know that the challenges I am facing won't last forever.”

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33. “I learn lessons from the worst days.”

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34. “I breathe deeply and release tension.”

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35. “I change my reality by choosing to think and speak in new, positive ways.”

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36. “I am strong and centered.”

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37. “I am strong. I am safe. I am stress-free.”

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38. “I love myself.”

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39. “I grow stronger and wiser when I face challenges.”

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40. “I use my positive thoughts as my most powerful weapon against anxiety.”

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41. “I feel, with every breath I take, a sense of love and peace.”

Ready to start your journey towards controlling stress and anxiety? Download the I am App now to receive daily reminders with uplifting quotes to control stress and anxiety. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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