Positive affirmations

Empowering Affirmations for Resilience and Strength

Strengthen your mindset and navigate challenges with positive affirmations for resilience. Stay strong in the face of adversity!

May 2, 2024
4 min

Weather Any Storm: Affirmations for Resilience

Resilience: the ability to weather life's storms with grace and determination.

Resilience requires a mindset that thrives in adversity, refusing to be defined by challenges but instead, growing stronger through them. When faced with obstacles, your resilience allows you to adapt, learn, and emerge better, stronger, and more powerful than before.

But everyone has days when their strength dwindles. On the days you need to be reminded of your true power, practicing affirmations for resilience grounds you and reminds you of your vitality, courage, and ability to bounce back.

50+ affirmations for resilience:

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1. “I am strong. I am resilient. I am getting through this.”

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2. “I am thankful for challenges; they show me how resilient and brave I am.”

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3. “I am grateful for my resilient heart for empowering me to start over, every time.”

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4. “My body is incredibly resilient.”

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5. “I am resilient and able to get through anything.”

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6. “I am just now realizing how resilient I truly am.”

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7. “I am strong, resilient, peaceful, and happy.”

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8. “I am resilient enough to heal and grow stronger.”

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9. “I am impressed with how resilient my body is.”

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10. “I am happy, resilient, and brave when making big changes.”

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11. “I am kind and positive, but also resilient and strong.”

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12. “I am becoming stronger, kinder, and more resilient with each obstacle I overcome.”

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13. “I am resilient in the face of the negativity of others.”

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14. “I have a strong, resilient mind.”

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15. “I am resilient in the face of toxicity.”

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16. “I am successful because I am persistent and resilient.”

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17. “I am still strong and resilient even when I need to rest.”

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18. “I am powerful and resilient, both mentally and physically.”

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19. “I am resilient and grow every day.”

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20. “I am resilient and I also deserve rest.”

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21. “I am strong and resilient; I handle every situation.”

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22. “I am strong and resilient.”

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23. “I may panic, but I am still strong, resilient, and wonderful.”

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24. “I am becoming more resilient each day.”

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25. “I am resilient in the face of challenging times.”

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26. “I am strong. I am resilient. I am powerful.”

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27. “I cultivate joy in my heart's resilient garden.”

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28. “I am a strong, resilient, survivor.”

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29. “I am confident and resilient in the face of obstacles.”

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30. “I am resilient in the face of adversity.”

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31. “I come back wiser and more resilient after each challenge I overcome.”

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32. “I know my mind is strong and resilient.”

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33. “I cultivate a resilient spirit.”

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34. “I am resourceful and resilient.”

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35. “Challenges are shaping me into a more resilient person.”

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36. “I am resilient and brave in the face of adversity.”

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37. “I am resilient, transforming every challenge into strength as I await the arrival of true love.”

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38. “I remain resilient and happy in the face of obstacles.”

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39. “I am resilient, capable, and confident.”

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40. “I am resilient and able to achieve anything I set my mind to.”

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41. “I am resilient and recover from anxiety.”

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42. “I am resilient and persistent.”

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43. “I am resilient enough to overcome anyone or anything that threatens my peace.”

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44. “I am resilient, but I deserve rest, too.”

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45. “Difficult situations create resilient people.”

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46. “I am strong and resilient on my path to recovery.”

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47. “I possess a strong, resilient body.”

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48. “I am resilient and in control when panic rears its head.”

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49. “I am resilient and bounce back from moments of panic.”

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50. “I am resilient and easily handle problems that come my way.”

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51. “I am proud of my resilient body.”

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52. “My body is strong and resilient.”

Ready to boost your determination and positivity during challenging times? Download the I am app to access a wide range of affirmations for resilience and strength, tailored to empower you in overcoming challenges and achieving self-growth. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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