Uplifting Affirmations to Stop Smoking
Welcome to a journey of self-transformation and liberation from smoking addiction. By embracing these empowering affirmations, you can take charge of your health and well-being, turning your dreams of a smoke-free life into reality. With daily reminders and positive intentions, you can overcome any challenges that come your way and build a healthier, happier future.

1. “I am supremely capable of handling anything and everything that comes my way.”

2. “I take care of health now so I can live a long, healthy life.”

3. “Good things are happening in my life.”

4. “I am becoming more and more sober with each passing day”

5. “I am strong enough to allow myself to change.”

6. “I turn my dreams into goals, and my goals into steps, and turn my steps into action.”

7. “I am committed to remaining free of addictions.”

8. “My past no longer dictates my future.”

9. “I have the strength to stop smoking.”

10. “I am about to start a new life, free from addiction.”

11. “I am excited to be alive in this moment.”

12. “Smoking is not a part of my life anymore.”

13. “I welcome a smoke-free lifestyle.”

14. “I make solid choices regarding my health.”

15. “I am comfortable exploring alternative health habits.”

16. “I am taking my life in my own hands.”

17. “I am stronger than negative thoughts.”

18. “I forgive myself for all I have done.”

19. “I am a better person today than I was yesterday.”

20. “I feel the love from those around me.”

21. “I am grateful for the support I have in remaining free of addiction.”

22. “I am a natural manifester, making my thoughts my reality.”

23. “I can overcome my smoking addiction.”

24. “Everyday I am getting better and better.”

25. “I am adding new healthy habits into my life.”

26. “I deserve to succeed.”

27. “I inspire others to give up smoking by continuing my journey.”

28. “I am a non-smoker.”

29. “I am willing to change and grow.”

30. “My good health is my focus.”

31. “I remain calm even when facing provocation.”

32. “I'm doing this for myself.”

33. “I will never smoke again.”

34. “I replace destructive habits with habits that uplift and empower me.”

35. “I am building the life that I want.”

36. “I know that every smoke-free day is its own victory.”

37. “I am not a smoker.”

38. “Everyone is cheering for me to remain addiction free. I am grateful for the support.”

39. “I am worthy of happiness.”

40. “I am stronger than a cigarette.”

41. “I create a smoke-free environment that supports my lifestyle.”

42. “I have the power to break free from smoking.”

43. “I am transforming my entire life through healthy habits and choices.”
Ready to start your journey towards a smoke-free life? Download the I am App today and empower yourself with daily affirmations to support your journey to quit smoking. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/