Positive affirmations

Harnessing Hope: Affirmations for Overcoming Hard Times

In times of adversity, your mindset is everything. These encouraging affirmations for overcoming hard times can help you find the inner strength to move forward with positivity and resilience.

March 13, 2024
5 min

Lift Your Spirit with Positive Affirmations for Overcoming Hard Times

“Into each life, some rain must fall…” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And oh, how true it is!

Even the happiest, most positive person can face unexpected challenges and dark moments along life’s journey.

Yet, it’s precisely these moments of hardship that give you the opportunity to discover your hidden stores of strength and determination. It’s all about your mindset and how you react to obstacles. Will you give up on your dream? Or will you create your own sunshine and keep moving forward, boldly and fiercely?

If you’re ready to wipe away the clouds, affirmations can help you bring the sunshine back into your life, reminding your of your capacity the persevere and thrive through all.

Practiced consistently, affirmations can help you:

- Find positivity
- Enhance your self-confidence
- Raise your resilience
- Feel empowered to tackle anything

These positive affirmations for overcoming hard times are here to change your mindset and motivate you to not just tackle, but overcome, anything standing between you and your dream life.

Comforting affirmations for overcoming hard times:

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1. “I remember who I am deep down and focus on my strengths.”

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2. “I accept hard emotions and allow myself to express them when I need to.”

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3. “I bounce back from bad thoughts quickly.”

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4. “I am OK.”

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5. “I will be able to look back at this time and be proud of myself.”

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6. “I set boundaries and respect them.”

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7. “I am strong enough to make it through the day.”

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8. “I am finding more courage within me every day.”

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9. “When I fall I get back up and try again.”

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10. “I am achieving a calm state of mind.”

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11. “I am strong, wise, and resilient.”

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12. “I trust the Universe to guide me to my best life.”

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13. “I can handle whatever comes.”

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14. “I know that the light within me is much stronger than the darkness.”

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15. “I am in control of my responses, and that is my secret to overcoming adversity.”

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16. “I know this is a just chapter and not my whole story.”

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17. “I am much stronger than I had realized.”

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18. “I accept my fears and doubts, and try anyway.”

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19. “My worries disappear when I decide they are powerless.”

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20. “I have hidden strengths.”

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21. “I stay close to people who make my soul happy.”

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22. “I am starting a positive new stage in my life.”

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23. “I have faith in a better tomorrow.”

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24. “I take steps forward every day, no matter how small they may be.”

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25. “Life is beautiful.”

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26. “I know that every victory is one to be proud of.”

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27. “I can overcome obstacles in my life.”

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28. “I control my emotions and actions.”

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29. “I let go of worries that drain my energy.”

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30. “I am working toward making a better life.”

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31. “I allow others to love me even when my life isn't perfect.”

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32. “I look forward to tomorrow.”

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33. “I give myself permission to grow and thrive in the face of adversity.”

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34. “I let go of all my worries.”

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35. “I keep moving forward and leave my hardships in the past.”

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36. “I think positively no matter what.”

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37. “Today I will be happy.”

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38. “I remain driven and motivated even when I face challenges.”

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39. “I can handle anything that comes my way.”

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40. “I deserve the best and am willing to work to get it.”

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41. “I will myself to remain calm during tumultuous experiences.”

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42. “I am able to find the light at the end of any tunnel.”

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43. “I give thanks on tough days, too, because I know how important it is to feel all of my emotions.”

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44. “I know there is a happy future ahead of me.”

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45. “I take actions that help me fulfill my destiny.”

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46. “I am able to find joy in my life every day.”

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47. “I am able to remain positive in difficult situations.”

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48. “I take extra care of myself during stressful times.”

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49. “I am welcoming this opportunity to grow stronger and become better.”

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50. “I take things one step at a time.”

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51. “I am deserving of a break when times are hard.”

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52. “I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for.”

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53. “I use my talents to overcome adversity.”

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54. “I am courageous enough to handle whatever happens in my life.”

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55. “I stay positive even in the most challenging times.”

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56. “I have the strength and power to make it through this.”

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57. “I lean on my resilience during tough times.”

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58. “My faith in myself is unshakeable.”

Start your journey towards resilience and positivity by incorporating these affirmations for overcoming hard times into your daily routine with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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