Positive affirmations

Healing Affirmations for Survivors

Trauma changes you, but you have the power to reshape your life. Embrace the gentle warrior within with these empowering affirmations for survivors.

June 5, 2024
3 min

Healing Affirmations for Survivors

Embark on your healing journey with powerful affirmations for survivors designed to nurture self-love and resilience. These affirmations can help you let go of the past and embrace a brighter future filled with love and peace.

Affirmations for survivors:

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1. “I let go of what doesn't serve me.”

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2. “I forgive the past and heal for the future.”

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3. “I program my mind to let go of the past.”

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4. “I am a priority in my life. My health and healing matter.”

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5. “I am falling in love with taking care of myself.”

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6. “I am creating a better life for myself.”

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7. “I give myself permission to feel happy again.”

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8. “Today I release my fears and open my mind to new possibilities.”

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9. “I am stronger than I ever realized.”

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10. “I am learning from today and tomorrow will be easier.”

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11. “I'm actively writing my healing chapter.”

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12. “I accept things that are done and move on to things that are new.”

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13. “I focus on what I am able to control.”

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14. “I am stronger than my problems.”

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15. “I have the ability to overcome life's difficulties.”

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16. “Breathing is healing me.”

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17. “I give my heart the sacred space it needs to heal.”

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18. “I choose to release hurt and resentment.”

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19. “I am putting down my burdens and letting my soul rest today.”

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20. “I remove anything that is keeping me from happiness.”

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21. “I deserve to live a life of love and peace.”

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22. “I love myself.”

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23. “I use these hard times to make me a better person.”

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24. “I am tougher than I know.”

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25. “I release the past and build a positive future.”

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26. “I am worthy of healing.”

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27. “I am going to be okay.”

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28. “I cherish every step of my journey.”

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29. “Today is the beginning of whatever I want.”

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30. “I am happy with the person I am transforming into.”

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31. “I am seeing my next chapter as clearly as possible.”

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32. “I give myself permission to heal.”

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33. “I release the past and trust that good things are happening to me.”

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34. “I have a strong body and tranquil spirit.”

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35. “I am an arrow. The Universe only pulls me back to shoot me forward.”

Embrace self-love and resilience with affirmations for survivors on the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/ and receive daily affirmations and reminders to keep you positive and hopeful while you heal.

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