Positive affirmations

LGBTQ+ Affirmations to Celebrate Diversity

Embrace your true self and love fiercely and fully. These LGBTQ+ affirmations encourage you to accept and celebrate every part of your unique identity.

May 1, 2024
5 min

LGBTQ+ Affirmations: Embrace Authenticity

Every journey is unique and every story matters.

From the struggles of coming out to the joy of finding acceptance, the LGBTQ+ experience is one of resilience, strength, and authenticity. Despite the challenges, the LGBTQ+ community thrives, united by a shared commitment to love, acceptance, and equality.

Continue your journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and self-love with LGBTQ+ affirmations that support and accept your identity and individuality.

LGBTQ+ affirmations to celebrate your true self:

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1. “I accept and love every piece of myself unconditionally, and this includes my sexuality.”

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2. “Today I love fiercely, laugh freely and live courageously.”

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3. “I am comfortable using my body to express myself.”

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4. “I embrace my true identity.”

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5. “I love and care for myself in a positive and healthy way.”

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6. “I live this life to the fullest, honestly, and truly.”

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7. “I know how to light up my own life.”

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8. “I feel safe expressing my beliefs on gender and sexuality.”

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9. “My power lies in my willingness to be happy.”

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10. “I am grateful for this body that carries my spirit through life.”

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11. “I am incredibly proud of the person I fought to become.”

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12. “I grow in ways that honor who I am and what I believe.”

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13. “I love my strength and resilience.”

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14. “I am committed to being my true self.”

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15. “I speak my truth when I am with the people I love.”

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16. “I give myself space to explore my sexuality.”

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17. “I ignore comments and criticisms about my sexuality.”

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18. “I embrace my flaws with love and pride.”

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19. “I totally deserve to be happy.”

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20. “I am free of judgment from others.”

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21. “I unconditionally accept myself just as I am.”

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22. “I honor my sexual needs and preferences with my words, actions, and choices.”

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23. “I am grateful to be surrounded by love and acceptance.”

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24. “I am worth loving just as I am.”

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25. “I never dull my shine for anyone.”

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26. “I make my own decisions freely.”

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27. “I appreciate the people who see the real me.”

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28. “I act as my highest, most authentic self.”

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29. “I am fierce.”

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30. “I bravely but kindly speak my truth.”

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31. “I am empowered to own my voice and speak my truth.”

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32. “I find forms of self-care that fit in with my lifestyle and beliefs.”

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33. “I know that how I love is more important than who I love.”

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34. “I am free to love without feeling shame.”

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35. “I approve of myself and love myself deeply.”

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36. “I have faith in decisions that come from the heart.”

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37. “I am a diamond. A little pressure only brings me more clarity.”

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38. “I make choices that feel truthful and authentic to who I am.”

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39. “I am allowed to love whoever I want.”

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40. “I am too busy being awesome to care what others think.”

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41. “I believe in my own magic. ”

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42. “I have a beautiful soul that shines and spreads love to others.”

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43. “Today I attract a deeper love and appreciation for myself.”

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44. “I am worthy of being confident.”

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45. “My sexuality is only one piece of the wonderful person I am.”

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46. “I smile and the world smiles with me.”

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47. “I am worthy of a life that feels good to live.”

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48. “I give myself permission to explore my identity and preferences freely.”

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49. “I trust that my authenticity is one of my greatest assets.”

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50. “I am majestic.”

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51. “The support I get from my circle means everything to me.”

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52. “The faith I have in myself always takes me far in life.”

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53. “I love the person that I am and the person I am becoming.”

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54. “I am the best version of myself. I walk with confidence and create a life of adventure, passion, and bravery.”

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55. “My self-worth is independent of society's prejudices.”

Ready to start your journey of self-acceptance and empowerment? Download the I am app today for more LGBTQ+ affirmations that inspire you to embrace your true self and live authentically. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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