Positive affirmations

Light-Filled Affirmations for the Summer Solstice

These uplifting affirmations for the summer solstice are sure to bring sunshine and positivity into your life with these inspiring statements.

May 21, 2024
3 min

Positive Affirmations for the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice, occurring annually in mid-June, is the longest day of the year. It's a time to honor not just the sun's light, but the light that shines within each of us.

With these uplifting affirmations for the summer solstice, you can celebrate the long hours of daylight and bring your body into harmony with the cycles of Mother Nature.

Practice these affirmations on the summer solstice or whenever you want to feel the warmth and joy that makes this time of year so special.

Start your journey to radiating sunshine today!

Affirmations for the summer solstice:

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1. “Positivity radiates out of me like sunshine.”

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2. “I shine with the light of the sun.”

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3. “I radiate sunshine and joy.”

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4. “I am a summer day, filled with sunshine and the occasional hurricane.”

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5. “I shine bright like the sun all day, every day.”

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6. “I outshine the sun with my smile and attitude.”

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7. “Gratitude brings sunshine to my day.”

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8. “I am grateful for the sun on my skin and the breeze in my hair.”

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9. “I give thanks for the sun shining its light on me.”

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10. “I am grateful for the sun, the moon, and the stars.”

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11. “I let the sun shine on my face and slowly re-enter my soul.”

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12. “I am grateful for the sunshine.”

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13. “I keep a pocketful of sunshine.”

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14. “I am grateful the sun is shining, the birds are singing.”

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15. “Every sunrise brings new hope.”

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16. “I am connected with everything under the blessed sun.”

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17. “I am an incredible human being, made of both sunshine and moondust.”

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18. “I am a bright, shining ray of sunshine.”

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19. “Today the sun is shining for me.”

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20. “I find the sunshine in every storm.”

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21. “I am watering my own garden and making my own sunshine.”

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22. “Each sunrise brings my heart closer to peace.”

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23. “I sprinkle sunshine wherever I go.”

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24. “I turn my face to the sunlight and let it warm my very soul.”

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25. “With every sunrise, I step closer to my dreams, embracing the new beginning that each day offers.”

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26. “I soak in the sun to vitalize my being.”

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27. “Each sunrise unveils blessings and unfolds paths for personal growth.”

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28. “I am happy to feel the sunshine warming my skin.”

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29. “I design a life that feels like sunshine.”

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30. “I love to feel the sun and wind on my face.”

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31. “I feel the sun shining through me and onto others.”

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32. “I see the sun greet me every day.”

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33. “I keep my mood as sunny as a gorgeous summer day.”

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34. “I feel the sun kiss me today.”

Celebrate the longest day of the year with affirmations for the summer solstice. You'll be radiating sunshine and positivity every day! Download the I am app now to receive daily affirmations and reminders to uplift your spirits and brighten your days. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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