Positive affirmations

Powerful Affirmations about Attracting Love

Discover a collection of powerful and uplifting affirmations about attracting love. Let these affirmations inspire you on your journey to manifesting deep, soul-shaking love in your life.

February 18, 2024
4 min

H1: Embrace Love with These Inspiring Affirmations about Attracting Love

If you are ready to welcome love into your life and attract deep, soul-shaking connections, these affirmations about attracting love are here to guide you. Embrace the power of love and believe that you are worthy of a relationship filled with kindness, respect, and joy. Let these quotes inspire you to manifest the love that your heart desires.

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1. “I am looking forward to playful date nights with the love of my life.”

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2. “I am ready to experience a love that lights up my life.”

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3. “I am attracting deep, earth-shattering, soul-shaking love.”

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4. “I am ready for a love that makes my heart sing.”

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5. “I am ready to be swept away by romance.”

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6. “I believe that I am destined for true love. ”

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7. “If I want to be loved as I am, I need to love others as they are.”

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8. “I deserve to be with someone who guards my heart as fiercely as I do.”

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9. “I deserve a soul-shaking romance.”

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10. “I am confident that everything is working out.”

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11. “I fall in love easily and with my whole heart.”

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12. “I am ready for a partner who sees life as a beautiful adventure.”

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13. “I immerse every ounce of my soul in love for my future partner.”

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14. “I deserve a life filled to the brim with love, happiness, and abundance.”

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15. “I attract a relationship marked by joy and fulfillment.”

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16. “I am excited for the future.”

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17. “I love myself and in turn attract love.”

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18. “I love who I am, and so will my future partner.”

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19. “My presence is my power.”

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20. “I am ready to receive a love that far exceeds what I've dreamed of.”

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21. “I see myself through the eyes of love.”

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22. “I believe the people in my life love me unconditionally.”

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23. “I trust that everything I desire is possible even if it takes time.”

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24. “I am prepared to begin a beautiful life with my soulmate at my side.”

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25. “What is meant for me will find me.”

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26. “I deserve all the love and happiness there is.”

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27. “I love and accept my body.”

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28. “I am grateful for love that I receive, give, and share.”

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29. “I speak only the language of love.”

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30. “I am willing to wait for true love.”

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31. “I am constantly surrounded by love.”

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32. “I am grateful for being loved.”

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33. “My heart is ready to be filled with the love of another.”

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34. “I belong to my future partner.”

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35. “I believe that love is the most powerful force in the Universe.”

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36. “I draw my soulmate with my beautiful and radiant energy.”

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37. “I am worthy of a love that the Universe smiles upon.”

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38. “I have always been worthy of love, no matter the struggle.”

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39. “I attract healthy, loving and respectful relationships.”

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40. “I can feel love like a wind, blowing around me, waiting to whisk me away.”

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41. “I will never give up on finding true love.”

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42. “My soul is ready to be nurtured by love.”

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43. “I feel loved.”

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44. “I am emotionally prepared to meet my soulmate.”

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45. “I know my soulmate and I will be able to seamlessly and effortlessly blend our lives together.”

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46. “I am helpful and kind.”

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47. “I can feel eternal love approaching.”

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48. “I accept my emotions and let them serve their purpose.”

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49. “I can feel my heart connecting to that of my soulmate.”

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50. “I have an infinite capacity to love others and love myself.”

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51. “I give myself the unconditional love that brings me happiness. ”

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52. “I deserve to be in a relationship that is consistently thoughtful and caring.”

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53. “My heart is opening up to new possibilities.”

Embrace the power of love and start manifesting your soul-shaking romance today! You can download the I am App here: https://theiam.app/

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