Positive affirmations

Time to Shine: Sassy Affirmations

Bold and beautiful. Confident and classy. Own every room you walk into, thanks to these confidence-boosting and sassy affirmations.

March 6, 2024
5 min

Sassy Affirmations for a Self-Esteem Boost

Embrace your uniqueness and confidence with sassy affirmations designed to empower you to shine brightly and embrace a life filled with inspiration and self-love.

Let these affirmations remind you of your worth and, more importantly, unleash the sass within!

P.S. - if you’re a fan of spicy language, check out our NSFW affirmations for an extra dose of sass!

40+ Super Sassy Affirmations

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1. “I am too amazing to worry about being perfect.”

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2. “I am a legend.”

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3. “I am a rock star.”

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4. “I laugh while I do the impossible.”

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5. “I astonish myself with my own awesomeness.”

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6. “I am worthy of confetti, sparklers, and every other celebration.”

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7. “I amaze myself with my awesomeness.”

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8. “Nature made me as one of the best creations.”

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9. “I turn my life into a carousel of good times and happy memories.”

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10. “I am brave and bold.”

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11. “I came here to dance through life.”

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12. “I am here to help karma do its job.”

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13. “I have changed, and that is a good thing.”

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14. “I slay my goals.”

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15. “I am worth each and every one of my desires.”

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16. “I value my opinion over anyone else's.”

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17. “I keep my plans to myself and only share my victories.”

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18. “I am amazed at how cool I am.”

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19. “I only take advice from myself.”

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20. “I am a goal-setter and a glow-getter.”

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21. “I am allowed to be bossy because I am a boss.”

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22. “I am too glam to give a damn.”

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23. “I am worth the high standards I set. ”

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24. “I am a warrior of positivity.”

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25. “I am worth every positive thought I have.”

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26. “I let my glow take me to my goal.”

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27. “I live life at full speed.”

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28. “I step away from any judgement.”

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29. “I surround myself with people who have my back.”

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30. “I only accept opinions when I ask for them.”

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31. “I make every hair flip count.”

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32. “I turn everything I touch into gold.”

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33. “I refuse to listen to anyone who says I can't. I'll do it twice and take pictures.”

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34. “I love accomplishing the impossible.”

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35. “I celebrate my glorious imperfections.”

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36. “I refuse to get pulled into other people's drama.”

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37. “I release anything that holds me back.”

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38. “I create the life I want to live.”

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39. “I keep my chin high so my crown won't slip.”

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40. “Excuse me, I have to go be awesome now.”

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41. “I use my inner flame to light my own path.”

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42. “I pay attention to actions, not words.”

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43. “I am stronger than anything that worries me.”

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44. “I am a survivor and a thriver.”

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45. “I am filled with magic and moonlight.”

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46. “I am spending more time putting energy into myself.”

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47. “I radiate charm.”

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48. “I am classy, sassy, and a bit smart-assy.”

Ready to start your journey of self-empowerment and positivity? Let these sassy affirmations elevate your mood, your confidence, and your sass levels! Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations and reminders to uplift your spirit and mindset.

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