Positive affirmations

Top Affirmations to Fall Asleep

Discover powerful affirmations to help you fall asleep peacefully and wake up refreshed. Improve your sleep quality with these uplifting bedtime affirmations.

February 22, 2024
4 min

Empower Your Sleep with Positive Affirmations to Fall Asleep

Enhance your bedtime routine with these uplifting affirmations to fall asleep peacefully and wake up rejuvenated. By incorporating positive thoughts and gratitude before bedtime, you can improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. These affirmations will help you release stress and anxiety, allowing you to drift into a deep and restful sleep, ready to embrace the new day with vitality and energy.

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1. “I am grateful for my bed, my room, and my quiet body.”

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2. “I welcome the mental and physical renewal that awaits me after a good sleep.”

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3. “I enjoy the tranquil darkness of the night.”

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4. “I sleep peacefully to prepare for tomorrow.”

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5. “I start and end my days by giving sincere thanks.”

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6. “I am filled with a sense of peace.”

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7. “I am in a natural wellness state.”

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8. “I end my day happy with who I am and where I am going.”

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9. “I allow myself to rest so that I can meet tomorrow's goals.”

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10. “I allow my body and mind to rest peacefully.”

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11. “I release all negative emotions from the day.”

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12. “I have done my best for today and deserve to have a peaceful sleep.”

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13. “I gratefully allow my mind, body, and soul to restore and recharge.”

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14. “I am grateful for today's opportunities.”

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15. “I sleep deeply so I can wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.”

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16. “Deep sleep is a good medicine.”

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17. “I love how I feel when I prioritize my sleep.”

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18. “I appreciate how peaceful my night is.”

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19. “I will dream about what a wonderful life I have.”

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20. “I am grateful for the simple and profound joys of the day.”

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21. “My mind, my soul, and my body are beautiful. I attract loving dreams.”

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22. “I am going to write one thing down that I am grateful for before I go to sleep.”

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23. “I relax my muscles as I drift off to sleep.”

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24. “I release tension and anxiety so I may have beautiful dreams.”

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25. “My mind is at peace and ready to rest all night.”

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26. “I see the night as a chance to recharge.”

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27. “There is nothing I need to do to fall asleep. I simply let it happen.”

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28. “I invite relaxation and ease into every muscle of my body as I settle into sleep.”

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29. “I welcome calm and serenity.”

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30. “I nourish my soul with restful nights and beautiful dreams.”

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31. “I allow myself to fully rest tonight.”

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32. “I let go of worries so I may have happy dreams.”

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33. “My mindfulness is my priority.”

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34. “I go to bed each night with a grateful heart.”

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35. “Falling asleep quickly is easy for me.”

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36. “I am worthy of a restful night and replenished energy.”

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37. “I make sure my mind gets the rest it needs to perform optimally.”

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38. “The more I relax, the better I feel.”

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39. “I get a good night's sleep to recharge and restore.”

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40. “I focus on gentle, positive thoughts as my eyes flutter shut.”

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41. “I have permission to fall asleep.”

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42. “I am thankful for today's opportunities for growth and development.”

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43. “I surrender my worries to the peaceful vibe that surrounds me.”

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44. “I close my eyes and choose peace.”

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45. “I now enter a place of deep and restful sleep.”

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46. “My good dreams will become a reality.”

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47. “With these breaths, I relieve my mind and my body of all anxiety and stress.”

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48. “Sleeping is part of my self-care.”

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49. “Sleep puts me into a deep state of relaxation that enables my vitality and energy.”

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50. “I am grateful for the sleep that refreshes my body and restores my soul.”

Ready to experience the power of positive affirmations for falling asleep? Enhance your sleep routine and transform your nights with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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