Positive affirmations

Unlocking Potential: Positive Affirmations for Teens

Explore a collection of empowering affirmations for teens designed to encourage inner strength and foster a positive mindset.

February 21, 2024
5 min

Boost Your Mood and Mindset with Affirmations for Teens

Stress at school… social media… first crushes… frenemies… balancing chores with studies…

And should we even mention the havoc that hormones can wreak on a young, developing brain?

There’s no doubt that adolescence is a road of twists and turns.

But affirmations for teens, filled with confidence-boosting inspiration and encouraging guidance, can help you navigate that road.

In just a few days of consistently practicing affirmations, you can improve your mood, your mindset, and your mental health.

Here are our favorite affirmations for teens to get you started.

Positive Affirmations for Teens

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1. “I accept myself.”

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2. “I am excited about new beginnings.”

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3. “I trust my intuition to guide me to my ideal life.”

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4. “I have the courage to grow regardless of the challenges I might face.”

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5. “I am grateful for my companions.”

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6. “I am inspiring.”

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7. “My mind is filled with positive energy.”

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8. “I am grateful for all the ways in which I have grown.”

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9. “I am led by joy and kindness as I accomplish my dreams.”

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10. “I feel the Universe's positive, peaceful energy surrounding me.”

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11. “I believe in my ability to get great grades.”

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12. “I open my mind to the happiness in the world.”

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13. “I have the motivation to improve myself.”

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14. “I am always finding new skills to master and talents to develop.”

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15. “I trust that I am on the right track for achieving all I dream of.”

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16. “I see the many ways in which I am blessed.”

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17. “I have the power to change myself.”

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18. “Little by little, day by day, I am closer to achieving my goals.”

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19. “I shine my light and encourage others to do the same.”

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20. “I receive what the world brings to me today with a smile.”

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21. “I am happy and thankful for the people in my life.”

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22. “I am calm, capable, and confident.”

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23. “I am never alone because so many people love me.”

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24. “I am paving the road to my success.”

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25. “I have a mindset of love, positivity, and joy.”

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26. “I am excited to learn new things today.”

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27. “I think grateful thoughts and speak grateful words.”

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28. “I remain happy regardless of what happens during the day.”

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29. “I feel great about myself.”

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30. “I wake up ready to receive new blessings and abundance.”

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31. “I harness my potential to create an amazing new chapter in my life.”

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32. “I break out of my comfort zone and blow past my limits.”

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33. “I trust in myself and my ability to achieve my goals.”

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34. “I am always learning and discovering.”

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35. “I create my happiness everywhere I go.”

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36. “I have everything I need for a happy life.”

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37. “I give my energy and attention to everything that is right in my world.”

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38. “Peace and happiness are my priority as I finish my day.”

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39. “I am happy because I am me.”

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40. “I am valuable and meaningful to this world.”

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41. “I am learning how to love my body.”

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42. “I am proud of the way I live my life.”

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43. “I feel my heart filling with happiness throughout the day.”

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44. “I keep getting better at life.”

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45. “I express myself genuinely and compassionately.”

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46. “I am right where I am supposed to be.”

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47. “Endless opportunities await me as I grow my skills.”

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48. “I am careful with time management so I can prioritize my studies.”

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49. “I am enjoying each phase of my personal journey.”

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50. “I am perfect as I am.”

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51. “I am thankful for the opportunity to live an inspired, creative life.”

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52. “Today is a good day.”

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53. “I refuse to change just to please someone else.”

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54. “I am allowed to make mistakes when I am learning something new.”

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55. “I work to improve my strengths and weaknesses.”

Final thoughts

Affirmations and their magic are ageless.

Whether you’re just beginning your teenage years or finding yourself on the brink of adulthood, affirmations can give you the tools you need to succeed in all areas of your life.

For more empowering affirmations for teens—or for anyone, at any age—download the I am app. You’ll find thousands of affirmations that’ll give you the courage and confidence to tackle any situation or experience you encounter.

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