Positive affirmations

Weekend Affirmations to Make You Glow

These weekend affirmations put a smile on your face, brighten your outlook, and encourage you to live your best, happiest life.

April 19, 2024
5 min

Refresh Your Mind and Spirit with Weekend Affirmations

Picture this: it's the weekend, and you're ready to make the most of your well-deserved break. The sun is shining, the days ahead are filled with fun activities, and you're ready to make the most of your time off.

There's one thing you can do to make your days off even sweeter: add affirmations to your weekend routine.

Weekend affirmations are tailored to help you embrace the essence of the weekend: relaxation and joy. And by incorporating positive statements into your weekend routine, you set the tone for fulfilling, peaceful days for the rest of the week, too..

Ready to kickstart your weekend with a dose of happiness?

Weekend affirmations to live your best life:

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1. “I accept myself unconditionally.”

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2. “I am happy with who I am and where I am.”

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3. “I let happiness guide me.”

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4. “I create the life I want.”

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5. “I make my most beautiful visions into an even more beautiful reality.”

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6. “I like everything about myself, even the things I'm improving.”

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7. “I decide each morning to have an amazing day.”

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8. “I am flourishing.”

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9. “I trust myself to make decisions that help me look and feel my best.”

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10. “I enjoy finding more reasons to be happy.”

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11. “I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.”

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12. “I only listen to the positive things I say about myself.”

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13. “I am grateful to the Universe for giving me the tools to build the life I dream of.”

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14. “I am committed to the journey I embarked upon.”

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15. “I can clearly see the future I want, already waiting for me.”

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16. “I continue moving forward with courage.”

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17. “I conquer any challenge.”

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18. “I maintain a positive mindset during the day.”

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19. “Every day, the Universe brings me closer to my dreams and desires.”

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20. “I am enjoying my life just the way it is.”

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21. “I deserve joyful days and peaceful nights.”

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22. “I am good at loving others and I make others happy.”

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23. “I am living a stress-free life.”

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24. “I attract an immensely happy, uplifting energy.”

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25. “I am surrounded by love because I am love.”

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26. “I am always surrounded by an aura of happiness.”

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27. “I stay close to people who make my soul happy.”

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28. “I deserve to be happy with myself.”

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29. “I step into a life that feels wealthy in so many ways.”

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30. “I am exactly who I want to be.”

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31. “I let optimism shine through me.”

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32. “My body is my home and deserves to be treated with love and respect. ”

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33. “I am becoming better with each day.”

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34. “My energy is a precious resource and I choose to use it in a positive way.”

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35. “I choose to be happy.”

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36. “I find happiness with myself, first.”

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37. “I know that I am cherished by the Universe.”

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38. “I see so many reasons to be joyful. ”

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39. “I remain balanced internally and externally.”

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40. “I deserve all the love and happiness that today brings.”

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41. “I am able to make a positive impact on my own day through my thoughts and actions.”

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42. “My life continues to get better.”

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43. “I do things that bring me joy and positivity.”

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44. “I embrace every step of my journey and revel in my progress.”

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45. “I create positive changes in my life.”

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46. “I trust in my bright, happy future.”

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47. “I have what I need to be who I want to be.”

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48. “I love my life and those around me.”

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49. “Everything is always working out well for me.”

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50. “I show myself love when I chase my dreams.”

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51. “I surround myself with positive people.”

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52. “I greet this day with serenity in my mind and my body.”

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53. “I believe in my ability to manifest neverending abundance.”

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54. “I have the power to change my life.”

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55. “I make decisions that honor my need to grow.”

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56. “I live a beautiful life filled with wondrous miracles.”

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57. “I attract love, health, and happiness into my life.”

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58. “I base my happiness on myself, not what others think or say.”

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59. “I am learning to live a joyous life without judgment.”

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60. “I watch as my reality aligns with my vibrations.”

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61. “I enjoy being in my own solitude.”

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62. “I am letting go of doubt and fear.”

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63. “I cherish the uniquely wonderful person I am.”

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64. “I am happy, blessed, and thankful every hour of every day.”

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65. “I enjoy the little things in my life and am thankful for them.”

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66. “I practice self-love and self-care more than ever.”

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67. “I feel love in the air and all around me.”

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68. “I let my gratitude attract blessings and my blessings create more gratitude.”

Let these weekend affirmations help you enjoy your time off with happiness, peace, and self-love!  

Download the I am app today to receive daily affirmations that inspire you to manifest your best life.

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