Positive affirmations

15 Powerful Mindfulness Affirmations

Enhance your mindset and ground yourself in the present with these mindfulness affirmations. Choose your thoughts with intention and power.

June 6, 2024
2 min

Mindfulness Affirmations for Living in the Now

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that allows you to stay present and make intentional choices. By adding mindfulness affirmations to your regular practice, you can cultivate a mindset of gratitude, peace, and self-awareness.

Explore these affirmations to boost your mindfulness and attract positivity.

Mindfulness affirmations to feel positive and energized:

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1. “I am mindful of all the small blessings I should be grateful for.”

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2. “I practice mindfulness to fill my mind with peace and calm.”

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3. “I practice mindfulness in my daily life.”

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4. “I am mindful of how much I have to be thankful for.”

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5. “I am mindful of how my thoughts control my emotions.”

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6. “I am mindful of my health and well-being.”

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7. “I stay present and mindful as I choose to live in the moment.”

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8. “I make mindful decisions and take intentional action.”

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9. “Every day I am more mindful of all of the small blessings that I have to be thankful for.”

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10. “I am mindful of my thoughts and use them to create calm.”

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11. “I am mindful of keeping my thoughts positive.”

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12. “I am mindful of where I place my energy.”

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13. “I am mindful of others' feelings.”

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14. “I am mindful of what I put into my body and my mind.”

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15. “I practice mindfulness to release stress and anxiety.”

Live more intentionally and attract positivity into your life with mindfulness affirmations. Download the I am app and start your journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling existence. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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