Positive affirmations

Healing Affirmations to Get Over a Toxic Relationship

Are you ready to begin your healing process? These positive affirmations to get past a toxic relationship will help you navigate this challenging time with grace, strength, and your head held high.

March 13, 2024
5 min

Rise Above:  Healing Affirmations to Get Over a Toxic Relationship

If you’ve recently ended a toxic relationship, you may be dealing with an influx of overwhelming feelings, including, surprisingly enough, sadness, anger, and confusion. You may even feel grief—not for the relationship you had, but for the future you had once envisioned.

But there is a bright light at the end of your breakup tunnel.

With positive affirmations, you have the power to release toxic attachments, dive into your healing process, and reclaim your sense of worth.

These empowering affirmations to get over a toxic relationship are powerful tools to help you navigate the aftermath of your breakup, lifting your spirits and boosting your confidence. And in the end, you’ll fall back in love with the one person who truly matters: YOU!

Rediscover inner peace: affirmations to get over a toxic relationship:

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1. “I am learning my own value.”

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2. “I give myself all the time, space, and patience I deserve while I'm moving past heartbreak.”

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3. “I choose to pour my soul into healthy, fulfilling relationships.”

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4. “I am open to receiving divine healing.”

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5. “I am worthy of fantastic relationships.”

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6. “I reclaim my power.”

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7. “I am recovering from this and will be happy again.”

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8. “I deserve a partner who brings harmony to my days.”

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9. “I know my heart may hurt now, but it will heal and be happy again.”

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10. “I am my heart's fiercest protector.”

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11. “I accept that not everyone deserves to be a permanent part of my life.”

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12. “I trust that I will find a loving and nurturing relationship.”

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13. “I know that toxic people are unworthy of my time or energy.”

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14. “I am worthy of a healthy, healing love story.”

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15. “I am stronger than my problems.”

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16. “I forgive myself for trying to fix someone who was broken.”

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17. “I am going through a difficult time but I am coming out stronger than before.”

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18. “I am breaking unhealthy cycles.”

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19. “I commit to myself when no one else does.”

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20. “I am better off without them.”

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21. “I care enough about myself and my mental health to sever any toxic connections.”

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22. “I am worthy of a deep, fulfilling soul connection.”

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23. “I give myself permission to leave a toxic relationship. ”

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24. “I am kind to myself whenever I decide to start over.”

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25. “I prioritize my emotional well-being over any toxic person or connection.”

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26. “I feel myself healing.”

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27. “I allow my emotions to surface so that I can process them the way they deserve.”

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28. “I am proud of myself for moving on from a toxic situation.”

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29. “I am allowed to want a better life.”

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30. “I am worthy of a relationship that brings me calm, not chaos.”

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31. “I am choosing to live a healthy, positive life.”

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32. “I attract positive and healthy relationships.”

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33. “I deserve to be with someone who makes me feel my happiest.”

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34. “I reclaim my power and cut all toxic connections.”

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35. “I say good-bye to anything not meant for me with love and gratitude.”

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36. “I deserve a faithful, trustworthy partner.”

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37. “I am trading today's tears for tomorrow's smiles.”

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38. “I know there is happiness on the other side of healing.”

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39. “I clear away debris from my past relationship.”

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40. “I respect myself too much to allow the same person to continue hurting me.”

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41. “I am worthy of being loved every single day.”

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42. “I forgive myself for staying past my time.”

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43. “I choose relationships that make me feel happy, valued, and safe.”

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44. “I refuse to allow any toxic relationships to continue.”

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45. “I am healing at my own pace, and I am at peace.”

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46. “I am grateful for the lessons.”

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47. “I choose to be in a relationship with someone who is as good to me as I am to them.”

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48. “I overcome toxic people and their attempts to control me.”

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49. “I only accept love that makes me feel good.”

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50. “I was meant to live a happy and fulfilling life.”

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51. “I trust my decision to let go and move forward.”

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52. “I am still capable of loving and being loved, even after I've been hurt.”

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53. “I refuse to allow anyone to harm my beautiful spirit.”

Practice these affirmations to get over toxic relationships, prioritize your self-love, and reclaim your worth.  

And be sure to download the I am app for daily affirmations and reminders to empower yourself and build resilience.

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