Positive affirmations

Live Joyfully: Affirmations for Happiness

Embrace the beauty of life and find joy everywhere you look! These affirmations for happiness will elevate your mood and ignite positivity in every aspect of your life.

March 21, 2024
5 min

Transform Your Mindset with Affirmations for Happiness

Happiness means something different to each of us.

For you, it might be spending time with your favorite people, hitting the gym, or even just quietly enjoying moments of peace.

But regardless of how you define happiness, practicing positive affirmations allows you to embrace it. Live it. Radiate it. Feel it flowing to and from you.

From boosting your mood to creating an “attitude of gratitude,” affirmations for happiness help you find the joy in your everyday life, just as it is right now.

Ready to infuse your life with happiness and positivity?

Affirmations for happiness and radiance:

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1. “I deserve to be happy, today and every other day.”

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2. “Happiness is my permanent state of mind.”

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3. “My life is filled with magic and wonder.”

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4. “I am committed to fostering a happy, positive body image.”

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5. “I feel joy and ease today.”

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6. “I go to bed each night with a smile on my face and happy thoughts in my heart.”

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7. “I live my life with gratitude and happiness.”

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8. “I allow myself to feel good.”

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9. “I nourish my mind with positive thoughts.”

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10. “I deserve happiness and joy.”

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11. “I allow my happiness to spill over onto others.”

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12. “I am dedicated to my health and my happiness.”

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13. “I help others find their happiness, too.”

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14. “I am at peace within myself.”

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15. “I am constantly discovering new sources of happiness in my life.”

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16. “I make intentional decisions that create my ideal life.”

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17. “The world is full of happiness for me.”

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18. “I focus on making myself happy.”

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19. “Today, I choose positivity and peace.”

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20. “I am worthy of abundant joy in all areas of my life.”

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21. “I allow joy and happiness into my life.”

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22. “I am happy with the simple things in my life.”

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23. “I honor my connection with the Universe with my grateful, happy mindset.”

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24. “I am showing others the path to happiness as my gift to them.”

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25. “Today I choose to feel how special it is to be alive.”

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26. “I focus on creating happy feelings within myself.”

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27. “I follow my happiness and it reflects the path to my best life.”

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28. “I am happiest when I live as my true, authentic self.”

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29. “Today is a fulfilling day.”

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30. “I am happy with the person I am transforming into.”

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31. “I explore new territories and create amazing experiences for myself.”

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32. “I taste all that life has to offer.”

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33. “My life is full of things that make me happy.”

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34. “I gratefully embrace every opportunity to be happy.”

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35. “I deserve to enjoy myself.”

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36. “I enjoy living a life full of love, peace, and joy.”

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37. “Today I love fiercely, laugh freely and live courageously.”

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38. “I am allowed to be happy with my life just as it is.”

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39. “I have everything I need for a happy life.”

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40. “I think positively and always get positive results.”

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41. “Happiness is my true nature.”

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42. “I embark on a kinder, gentler, stress-free life.”

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43. “I appreciate my life and everyone in it.”

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44. “I celebrate myself.”

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45. “Regardless of what each day holds, I know that it also holds happiness.”

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46. “When I embrace joy, everything else in my life falls in place.”

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47. “I am inspired to find joy, love, and harmony everywhere I go.”

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48. “I recognize that happiness is my purpose in life.”

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49. “I easily find beauty in the world that surrounds me every day.”

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50. “I am perfect exactly as I am.”

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51. “I am happy and free.”

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52. “I choose to focus on my numerous positive qualities.”

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53. “I am so happy to be here.”

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54. “I am excited about the beautiful things currently manifesting in my life.”

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55. “I feel gratitude and happiness when I reflect on my possibilities.”

Ready to start your journey towards a more joy-filled life? Download the I am App and begin receiving daily affirmations for happiness to lift your spirits and support a positive mindset. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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