Positive affirmations

New Moon Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams

Glow with your innate magic! These powerful new moon affirmations will help you cultivate positivity, clarity, and empowerment as you celebrate fresh beginnings and possibilities.

April 12, 2024
5 min

Set Intentions with New Moon Affirmations

Entering the energy of the new moon marks a powerful moment in your journey of manifestation.

It's a time of fresh beginnings, where you can set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and plant seeds of growth for the future. The new moon invites you to pause, reflect, and connect with your inner desires and aspirations.

These new moon affirmations have been specially crafted to align with the cosmic energy as you manifest your dreams and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

New moon affirmations for fresh possibilities:

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1. “I create the new beginnings I need.”

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2. “I draw abundance to me from every corner of the Universe.”

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3. “I am worthy of achieving all my dreams.”

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4. “I explore new territories and create amazing experiences for myself.”

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5. “I embrace the new chapter of my life.”

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6. “I take a deep breath and my soul fills with peace and tranquility.”

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7. “I am ready to receive the love I already radiate.”

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8. “I am strong and steadfast in my faith.”

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9. “I am at all times connected to the Universal Spirit.”

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10. “My life is a blessing to others.”

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11. “I am connected to the Universe in infinite ways.”

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12. “I break down large tasks into smaller ones that are manageable and less stressful.”

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13. “I am patient with myself as I come to terms with uncertainty and change.”

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14. “I tap into the infinite joy of the Universe whenever I need to.”

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15. “I receive joy from the Universe and radiate it to others.”

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16. “I am held in love and light by the divine.”

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17. “My potential is limitless.”

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18. “I claim what is rightfully mine.”

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19. “I draw love and romance into my life with ease.”

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20. “I am gently held by Universal love.”

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21. “I am blessed to be a blessing.”

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22. “I attract those that help me reach my goals.”

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23. “I am able to turn any challenge into an opportunity to make positive changes.”

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24. “Every experience feeds my self-growth.”

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25. “I am clear about my vision and where I want to go in life.”

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26. “I send my wishes to the Universe and receive joy and love in return.”

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27. “I trust the Universe to help me live a calm life.”

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28. “I am holy. I am sacred. I am a child of the divine.”

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29. “I have put in the work, now I receive the results.”

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30. “I invite the Universe to manifest my most secret desires.”

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31. “I am immersed in positive, vibrant energy.”

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32. “The Universe itself has bound my heart to my soulmate's heart.”

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33. “I know that the Universe is taking care of me.”

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34. “I stay true to my divine purpose.”

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35. “I am creating a safe, new future.”

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36. “I am a presence of divine love in all my relationships.”

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37. “I am guided, guarded, and protected.”

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38. “I am thankful to the Universe for this fresh beginning.”

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39. “I am ready to begin an amazing chapter in life.”

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40. “I focus on making important changes to my life.”

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41. “I look forward to what the Universe will bring me when I am ready.”

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42. “I lovingly tend to my connection with the Universe.”

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43. “My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now.”

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44. “I am capable of doing amazing things.”

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45. “I am excited and happy for the changes that are taking place.”

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46. “I feel the Universe's positive, peaceful energy surrounding me.”

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47. “I tap into Universal joy whenever I need to.”

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48. “The Universe is already making my dreams come true.”

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49. “I accept the Universe's gifts of courage and confidence so I can follow my dreams.”

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50. “I am motivated by the endless opportunities this Universe holds for me.”

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51. “I recognize and am thankful for my connection to the Universe.”

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52. “Everything I desire is within me.”

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53. “I am excited to release the old and embrace the new.”

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54. “I see hope and opportunities everywhere I look.”

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55. “I welcome growth and personal development.”

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56. “I navigate new beginnings successfully.”

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57. “I am surrounded by limitless love.”

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58. “I am ready to begin, right now.”

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59. “I adapt easily to new situations and experiences.”

Begin a journey of self-discovery and divine connection with new moon affirmations. Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations that will help you manifest your dreams. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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