Positive affirmations

Powerful Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate

Do you believe your soulmate is out there, searching for you? These positive affirmations to attract your soulmate and manifest true love will bring them closer to you and inspire your neverending love story.

May 31, 2024
4 min

Unlock Love with Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate

Soulmates: two hearts, beating in perfect synchronicity, across time and space.

The Universe created your soulmate just for you; meeting them is just a matter of timing. If your heart is ready, you can draw your true love closer with affirmations designed to manifest the love you desire.

By repeating these affirmations daily, you reinforce your belief in finding true love and create a magnetic pull towards your soulmate. Trust in the process and stay open to receiving love from the Universe.

Affirmations to attract your soulmate:

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1. “I refuse to settle for "almost" because I trust that my soulmate exists.”

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2. “I feel how close I am to being united with my soulmate.”

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3. “I know my soulmate and I are gravitating toward one another.”

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4. “I can feel my soulmate yearning for me, too.”

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5. “I move mountains to be with my soulmate.”

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6. “I feel the bond between me and my soulmate growing stronger by the day.”

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7. “I can feel my heart connecting to that of my soulmate.”

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8. “I can feel my soulmate's heart beating in time with mine.”

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9. “My soulmate will come to me at the right time.”

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10. “I trust that every day brings me closer to meeting my soulmate.”

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11. “I am meant to be with my soulmate.”

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12. “I can feel my heart calling to my soulmate's heart.”

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13. “I believe that every person has a soulmate, especially me.”

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14. “My soulmate and I will evolve together.”

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15. “I feel completely ready to love and be loved by my soulmate.”

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16. “My heart overflows with the love I already feel for my soulmate.”

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17. “I crave physical and emotional intimacy with my soulmate.”

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18. “I am ready to start a fresh phase of my life with my soulmate.”

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19. “My soulmate is on their way to me.”

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20. “I trust that my soulmate will arrive at just the right time.”

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21. “I trust in the beauty and magic of soulmates.”

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22. “I am ready to tackle the highs and lows of life with my soulmate.”

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23. “I am perfect for my soulmate just as I am.”

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24. “I sit back and enjoy life while I await my soulmate's arrival.”

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25. “I smile when I think of how soon I'll be united with my soulmate.”

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26. “I know my soulmate is searching for me, too.”

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27. “I trust that I will live an epic love story with my soulmate. ”

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28. “I am making my way to my soulmate, one day at a time.”

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29. “I am ready to build a happy life with my soulmate.”

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30. “I am excited to meet my soulmate soon.”

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31. “I trust that my soulmate will make me feel loved, seen, and supported.”

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32. “I can feel my connection with my soulmate growing stronger with each passing day.”

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33. “I trust that my soulmate will treat my heart with tenderness.”

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34. “I feel my soulmate approaching me.”

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35. “I am meant to find my soulmate in every lifetime, including this one.”

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36. “I am ready for the Universe to deliver my soulmate.”

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37. “Attracting my soulmate is inevitable.”

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38. “I am ready to spend the best days of my life with my soulmate.”

Start your journey to attracting your soulmate with the I am app. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/. Embrace the power of affirmations and watch as love finds its way to you.

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