Positive affirmations

Radiate Love: Affirmations to Cherish Loved Ones

Having deep, healthy relationships with family and friends can make every aspect of your life better. These affirmations to cherish loved ones will help you strengthen those bonds and celebrate your connection.

March 21, 2024
5 min

Elevate Your Relationships: Affirmations to Cherish Loved Ones

Surrounding yourself with the love and affection of your favorite people just feels… good! You’re supported, you’re encouraged, you’re accepted, and you’re glowing.

But it’s more than just a feeling.

Studies show that having a close bond with family (genetic or chosen) can elevate your well-being by helping you handle stress, raise your self-esteem, and practice healthier habits.

In short, your family and friends make your world a better place, just as you make theirs better.

Now it’s time to take your relationships to new heights of connection with affirmations to cherish loved ones.

These inspiring statements will help you express your love, gratitude, and appreciation for your family and friends.

P.S. - They’re perfect for sharing, so feel free to send your favorite affirmations to those you love!

Heartfelt affirmations to cherish loved ones:

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1. “I attract the perfect friends for each stage of my life.”

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2. “I spend time with people who make me happy, doing things that bring us joy.”

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3. “I am creating great memories with my friends all the time.”

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4. “I feel more love and friendship in my life each day.”

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5. “I know that everyone I meet adds value to my life, so I am grateful for each of them.”

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6. “I invite love into my friendships.”

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7. “I am confident sharing my stories with my friends.”

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8. “I am surrounded by the love and support of my family and friends.”

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9. “I love watching my circle of friends expand.”

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10. “I make peace with my friends and resolve conflicts maturely.”

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11. “I am blessed with a strong circle of love and support.”

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12. “I happily seize every chance I get to express my gratitude to others.”

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13. “I always let my friends know how much they mean to me.”

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14. “I choose to be with people who add happiness to my day.”

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15. “I am cherished by my family.”

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16. “I happily share my compassion with others.”

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17. “My family and friends love me.”

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18. “I have true friends who stick by my side.”

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19. “I openly express love and affection to my friends.”

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20. “I encourage my friends to share my happiness.”

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21. “I choose to spend time with people who make my soul feel lighter. ”

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22. “I cherish and value my family and friends.”

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23. “I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends.”

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24. “I feel the love and support of my friends.”

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25. “I am here to help others.”

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26. “I water my friends and they water me.”

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27. “I am grateful for friends who enhance my life.”

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28. “I support and nurture myself as much as I do my loved ones.”

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29. “I keep my days filled with fun and friendship.”

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30. “I give myself what I want for my closest friends.”

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31. “I believe in my family and friends.”

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32. “I allow my inner circle to love and support me.”

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33. “I genuinely love and appreciate my family.”

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34. “When I am kind to friends it often comes back to me like a boomerang.”

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35. “I am thankful to be surrounded by loving friends.”

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36. “I am thankful to belong to a supportive, caring community.”

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37. “I enjoy catching up with my friends.”

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38. “I am forever bonded to the people I love.”

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39. “I give my undying thanks for all the wonderful people who uplift me.”

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40. “I am grateful for supportive friends and a loving family.”

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41. “I give and receive love freely without fear.”

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42. “I am grateful for the time I spend with my family.”

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43. “I am always able to count on my friends to add to my joy.”

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44. “I am friends with people who inspire and encourage me.”

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45. “I believe family is forever.”

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46. “I am capable of anything, especially with the help of a friend.”

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47. “I allow my friends to make mistakes and forgive them.”

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48. “I am a good friend to all.”

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49. “I take the time to show my friends that I care about them.”

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50. “I create moments of pure joy in my day and share them with all the people I love.”

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51. “I make consistent efforts to deepen my loving bonds with others.”

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52. “I use my happiness to positively impact those around me each day.”

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53. “I am so thankful for the friends I can call at the end of a bad day.”

Start your journey of gratitude and love today by downloading the I am App. Set up your reminders and you'll receive daily affirmations to cherish your loved ones.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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